Apology Letters for Siblings

Dear [Name],

I am writing this letter to apologize for my actions. I know that I have been a bully and that I have caused you a great deal of pain and suffering. I want to express my deepest and sincerest apologies for my behavior.

I know that I have been cruel and unkind to you, and I regret it deeply. I have been thoughtless and insensitive in my actions and words, and I understand that I have hurt you deeply. I am sorry for the pain I have caused you, and I want you to know that I regret my actions.

I have been a bully for too long, and I understand that I need to change my behavior. I am committed to changing and becoming a better person. I am taking steps to make sure that I do not bully anyone in the future, and I am also taking steps to make sure that I am a better person overall. I understand that what I did was wrong, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make things right, even if it means not being in your life.

I understand that it will take time for you to forgive me, and I respect that. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me, and I want you to know that I am truly sorry for the pain I have caused you.

I am sorry for my actions and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.


[Your Name]

Dear {Recipient},

Hey, it's me, your favorite sibling. Seriously though, I'm writing to say I feel really awful for being mean to you at {event/location} last {day of the week}.

I didn't mean to raise my voice at you and make you feel bad. Trust me, I would never want to hurt your feelings.You'll always be my {older/younger/baby} {brother/sister} and I'll always love you and want the best for you, even if we argue sometimes.

Want to go catch {movie title} with me on {date}? Tickets are on me!


{Your Name}

Dear [Name],

I am writing to apologize for my hurtful actions. I know that my words and actions have caused you pain and I am deeply sorry for that. I understand that what I did was wrong and I take full responsibility for my actions.

I want you to know that I never intended to hurt you. I was wrong to act the way I did and I regret it deeply. I understand that my behavior was inappropriate and I am sorry for the pain that I have caused you.

I realize that I have caused you a lot of pain and I am truly sorry. I know that I cannot take back what I have done, but I want you to know that I am truly sorry for my actions. I understand that my words and actions have had a negative impact on you and I want to make it up to you.

I am committed to making sure that this never happens again. I am going to take steps to ensure that I do not repeat my mistakes. I am going to work hard to make sure that I am a better person and that I do not hurt anyone again.

I hope that you can forgive me for my actions. I understand that it may take time for you to forgive me, but I want you to know that I am truly sorry for what I have done. I am committed to making sure that this never happens again and I am going to do everything I can to make sure that it doesn't.

Once again, I am deeply sorry for my hurtful actions. I understand that my words and actions have had a negative impact on you and I am truly sorry for that. I am committed to making sure that this never happens again and I am going to do everything I can to make sure that it doesn't.

[Your Name]
