Dear [Name],
I am writing to apologize for the health complications you have experienced as a result of your recent medical treatment. I understand that this has been a difficult time for you, and I want to express my sincere regret for the situation.
It is my responsibility to ensure that all of my patients receive the best possible care. I take this responsibility very seriously, and I am deeply sorry that I did not provide the care that you deserved.
I understand that you have suffered physical pain, mental anguish, and financial hardship as a result of the complications. I want to assure you that I am doing everything I can to ensure that this does not happen to any other patients. I am reviewing all of my procedures and protocols to ensure that I am providing the highest level of care.
I also want to assure you that I am taking steps to ensure that you are financially compensated for the hardship that you have endured. I am working with my staff to ensure that all of your medical bills are taken care of, and that you receive any other compensation that you are entitled to.
Again, I am deeply sorry for the situation. I understand that this has been a difficult time for you, and I want to express my sincere regret for the situation. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.