Apology Letters for Abuse

Dear {Recipient},

I'm very sorry I hit you at {event/location} last {day of the week}. I wasn't able to control my temper and
reacted to the situation impulsively. I know that's not a valid excuse, though, and I take full responsibility for my actions.

I hope I didn't hit you too hard, but if you had to see a doctor, please send me the bill and I will gladly cover your expenses. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to make it up to you.


{Your Name}

Dear [Name],

I am writing to apologize for my recent verbal abuse. I understand that my words and actions were hurtful and inappropriate, and I deeply regret my behavior.

I want to take this opportunity to explain why I acted the way I did. I was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated at the time, and I let my emotions get the better of me. I realize now that my reaction was not an appropriate way to express my feelings.

I understand that my words and actions have caused you pain and distress, and I am truly sorry for that. I take full responsibility for my behavior and I am committed to making sure it never happens again.

I want to make it up to you. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I am available to talk if you would like to discuss this further.

Again, I apologize for my verbal abuse and for the hurt and pain it has caused you. I am committed to being a better person and to treating you with respect.


[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I am writing to you to express my deepest apologies for my inexcusable behavior. I am aware that I have caused you immense pain and suffering, and I am truly sorry for the abuse I inflicted upon you.

I understand that my actions have had a lasting impact on you and your life, and I want you to know that I take full responsibility for my actions. I am deeply ashamed of my behavior and I am sorry for the hurt and pain I have caused you.

I have reflected on my actions and have come to the realization that I was wrong. I understand that there is no excuse for my behavior and I accept that I must take responsibility for my actions. I am committed to making amends and doing whatever it takes to make sure that this never happens again.

I am aware that my apology may not be enough to make up for the pain and suffering I have caused you. I understand that it may take time for you to heal and I am willing to do whatever it takes to help you in that process.

I am committed to taking the necessary steps to ensure that this never happens again. I am seeking professional help to address the underlying issues that led to my abusive behavior. I am also committed to learning how to better manage my emotions and how to handle difficult situations in a more constructive way.

I understand that my apology may not be enough to make up for the pain and suffering I have caused you, but I want you to know that I am truly sorry for my actions and I am committed to making amends.

[Your Name]

Dear {Recipient},

Please accept my sincerest apologies for inflicting harm on you on {date} at {location}. What I did was
inexcusable—I realize that beyond your physical injuries, you must have also experienced psychological trauma as a result of my disrespectful actions. I'm deeply sorry.

After that incident, I came to realize that I have issues that needed to be addressed. Thus, I will be starting {therapy} on {date}. I hope you can forgive me and I wish you a speedy mental and physical recovery.


{Your Name}

Dear {Recipient},

I'm sorry {mommy/daddy} said some mean things to you {yesterday/this morning/etc.}. Sometimes, adults
get angry and they say things that they don't really mean. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings and I promise I won't ever say those things to you again.

I want you to know that you're a {positive qualities} child who is very loved by everyone in our home, including me. And that is something that will never change.

Want to go get some {ice cream/yogurt/something else} later? You can have {two scoops/extra toppings/etc.}.



Dear [Name],

I am writing to apologize for my unacceptable behavior towards you at work. My words and actions were inexcusable and I am deeply sorry for the hurt and distress that I have caused you.

I understand now that my behavior was inappropriate and unprofessional and I take full responsibility for my actions. I understand that my words and actions have had a negative impact on our working relationship and I am sorry for that.

I want to assure you that I will never behave in such a manner again. I am committed to improving my behavior and I am taking steps to ensure that I am more aware of my actions and words. I am also committed to improving our working relationship and I will be more mindful of how I interact with you in the future.

I understand that this apology may not be enough to make up for my unacceptable behavior. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make amends and I am open to any suggestions you may have.

Once again, I apologize for my unacceptable behavior and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.


[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I am writing to apologize for the unjustified torment I caused you. I understand that my actions were hurtful and wrong, and I regret them deeply.

I take full responsibility for my actions and want to make it clear that I am truly sorry for what I have done. I realize that my behavior was unacceptable and I should have known better. I was wrong to have treated you in such a way and I want to apologize for the pain and suffering I have caused.

I understand that my actions have caused you a great deal of distress and I am truly sorry for that. I want you to know that I am committed to changing my behavior and making sure that I never hurt you in such a way again. I will strive to be a better person and to treat others with respect and kindness.

I am sorry for the hurt that I have caused you and I am willing to do whatever I can to help you through this process.

Once again, I am deeply sorry for my actions and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.


[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I am writing to apologize for my unmerited cruelty towards you. I am deeply sorry for my actions and the hurt and pain I have caused you.

I understand that I have wronged you in a way that I cannot undo, and I regret my actions. I was wrong to have acted in such a way and I am truly sorry for my behavior.

I know that my actions have caused you emotional pain and suffering, and I am sorry for that. I know that I should have been more considerate of your feelings and I am sorry for not doing so.

I understand that it may take time for you to forgive me, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make amends. I want to make sure that you know that I am truly sorry for my actions and that I will do whatever it takes to make it right.

I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I understand that I have hurt you and I want to do whatever I can to make it up to you.

Again, I am truly sorry for my unmerited cruelty and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

[Your Name]
