Apology Letter For Unforeseen Triggering

Dear [Name],

I am writing to apologize for the way I reacted to the situation that occurred between us. I understand now that my reaction was unexpected and inappropriate and I want to take full responsibility for my actions.

I want to explain that I was triggered by the situation, and my reaction was an attempt to protect myself. I realize now that my reaction was not the best way to handle the situation and I am sorry for any distress it caused you.

I understand that my reaction was unexpected and I want to apologize for any pain or discomfort it caused you. I am sorry for any hurt I have caused and I will work to do better in the future.

I understand that my reaction was not the best way to handle the situation and I am sorry for any distress it caused you. I want to assure you that I will take steps to ensure that this does not happen again. I will take the time to understand my triggers and how to better manage them.

I understand that my reaction was not acceptable and I want to apologize for any hurt I have caused. I am committed to doing better in the future and I will work to ensure that I am better equipped to handle any triggering situations that may come up.

Again, I am sorry for my reaction and I understand that it was not the best way to handle the situation. I am committed to doing better in the future and I will take steps to ensure that I am better equipped to handle any triggering situations that may come up.


[Your Name]
