Apology Letter For Postponement

Dear [Name],

I am writing this letter to apologize for the postponement of [event]. I understand that this change of plans has caused you a great deal of inconvenience and I am truly sorry.

I take full responsibility for the postponement and I want to assure you that I have done my best to make sure that this event will still be successful. I understand that you had already made plans to attend and I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

I understand that you had already made arrangements for travel, accommodation and other preparations for the event. I am willing to reimburse any costs you have incurred due to the postponement. Please let me know what costs you have incurred and I will make sure to reimburse you as soon as possible.

I am also willing to provide you with any assistance you may need in order to attend the event at a later date. I understand that this change of plans has caused you a great deal of stress and I want to make sure that you are able to attend the event without any further issues.

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience and I hope that you can still attend the event when it is rescheduled. If there is anything else I can do to make up for the postponement, please let me know.


[Your Name]
